fromBlack Mirror
USS Callister
£28.00 – £30.00
He’s got all of our DNA. He keeps it in his bedroom in a fucking mini fridge by his desk.
Ah yes, the milkshake. The scourge of Farage. And assorted others. I think we’re all aware of the different types of milk on the market in the present day. Oat, almond, rice…there’s something for everyone. For this we’ll be sticking with the traditional version, harvested from the kept-pregnant cow. And we have three choices: chocolate, strawberry and banana.
You will note that we’re dropping a ‘u’ and hopping over the Atlantic to the offices of Callister Inc., the producer of the immersive, simulated reality game Infinity. I won’t ruin the story, but Jessie Plemons plays a genius coder (Robert Daly) who tortures his co-workers inside his own home-modded version of the game. Via stealing their DNA from dicarded coffee cups, lollipops and Christ knows what else. He’s basically deranged and has no social skills. You know, standard software developer stuff. Sorry developers.
As you’ll probably have worked out from the quote above, Raiman’s flavored (sic) milk is visible inside Daly’s fridge and has been slightly modified here. Who is Raiman, I hear you possibly ask? Well, she’s one of the brainwashed soldiers in series five’s Men Against Fire. I don’t think anyone is sure why, but it’s not exactly a surprise that a name has been recycled if you’re familiar with the programme.
The show’s highlight is undoubtedbly Plemons’ portrayal of Captain Daly; a sadistic, misogynistic Jim Kirk / Zapp Brannigan hybrid arsehole.
I mean, outside the modified game the man accepts a pizza he didn’t order AND doesn’t tip the delivery man. What a monster.
NB There are a quite a lot of different versions, so check the previews above / on the left. You can’t – for example – buy a ‘chocolate’ flavour yellow t shirt, as an example (as that is reserved for the banana flavour).
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